New Year's Resolutions are like navigating. While sailing a course, every so often we need to get a fix. A fix is simply your exact position at a point in time. Once a fix is obtained, that fix is compared to the intended course. Usually, it is close to but not exactly on the course line. If you continue on the current heading, you will sail further away from your intended course (which is pointing to your destination).
How to get back on track: You don't actually want to get back on track. Forget the track! Focus on your destination. Draw a new course from your fix position to your destination. Get the bearing of that line and steer that new heading. Usually, it should be a minor adjustment.
In navigation we sometimes have to compensate for the forces pushing us off course and add that calculation to our new course to steer. That is beyond the scope of this article, but you get the idea.
Take a moment to accurately assess where you have ended up this past year. Make a plan to get from where you are to your desired destination. Adjust course right away and work to holding that new heading.
For example, I stepped on my scale this morning to accurately see where I am. If I keep doing the same things, I will continue to move further off my course to my target weight. Adjustments need to be made, especially after Mrs. Captain Jeff's delicious Christmas desserts.
So, this new year, whatever adjustments you need to make in life, make a plan, execute the plan, and then hold your course! If this new plan involves learning to sail, we at The Sailing Academy would love to be a part of your solution. Either way, hold your course and have a very Happy New Year!
-Capt. Jeff Bowen